move & mend

Move & Mend is a fatties-only fitness class

a transformative fitness class designed specifically for fat and plus-size individuals who are seeking to heal their relationship with movement and exercise. This class provides a supportive and inclusive environment where participants can connect, grow, and find peace in their bodies.

build community and find a new way to move - based on your body’s needs and wants - not diet culture’s

Honor your body & move with intention

Honor your body & move with intention

meet your instructor

I’m Kyle, your compassionate and empowering guide on the journey to healing your relationship with movement and finding joy in your body. I believe that fitness should be inclusive, body-positive, and free from rules, shame, or judgment. It's time to break free from the dieting cycle and embrace a sustainable routine that celebrates your unique body, abilities, and identity.

I specialize in working with fat and plus-size individuals, understanding the unique challenges they face and the narratives that have shaped their experiences. My mission is to create a safe and affirming space where you can reclaim your power, reconnect with your body, and discover the joy of movement without any weight loss agenda. I’m an ace certified personal trainer on a mission to help fat people find a sustainable way to move.

helping you leave behind the shame and guilt that can be present in traditional fitness environments